netdecking with the stars
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60 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Worthy Cause Leonardo Maeda Premodern Liga Paulista - 1a Etapa @ Loja do Toguro (Santo André, Brazil) 3-4 01/02/25
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Global Beatles Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brazil) 5-8 25/07/24
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Nelson Mandela Day" @ Bolovo Games ( Santos, Brazil) 3-4 18/07/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander 4º 1K DC - Badlands @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brazil) 5-8 08/07/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Telemarketer's Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brazil) 1 04/07/23
Samut, Vizier Of Naktamun Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Logistics Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brazil) 1 06/06/23
Samut, Vizier Of Naktamun Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Women in Military Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brazil) 3-4 30/05/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Street Sweeper's Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 2 16/05/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander 3º 1K DC - Savannah @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 5 13/05/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "National Ethics Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 4 02/05/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Natl Day to Combat WPH" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 4 02/05/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Layout Artist's Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 2 28/03/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Elim. against Racism" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 3 21/03/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Pi(π) Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 2 14/03/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Paleontologist's Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 2 07/03/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Safer Internet Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 2 07/02/23
Ertai Ressurected Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "World Magicians Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 4 31/01/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Int. Education Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 3 24/01/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Saint Gonçalo Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 1 10/01/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander 1º 1K DC - Bayou @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 6 07/01/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "In Memorian of Pelé" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 1 03/01/23
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Feast Day of Saint John" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 2 27/12/22
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Int Human Solidarity Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 1 20/12/22
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "National Forró Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 2 13/12/22
Minsc Leonardo Maeda Duel Commander TNDC "Procl. of the Republic" @ houseofcardstcg (Santos, Brasil) 4 15/11/22
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