// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Weenie White // CREATOR : Thiagoyan // FORMAT : Pauper 4 [M10] Elite Vanguard 4 [M13] War Falcon 4 [SOI] Thraben Inspector 4 [DKA] Loyal Cathar 3 [] Cathar Commando 4 [ZEN] Kor Skyfisher 3 [] Militia Bugler 3 [] Search Party Captain 4 [MM] Ramosian Rally 4 [PLC] Sunlance 2 [] Recommission 4 [ZEN] Journey to Nowhere 2 [VI] Quicksand 13 [A] Plains 2 [ON] Secluded Steppe SB: 2 [ROE] Lone Missionary SB: 3 [AP] Standard Bearer SB: 3 [IN] Obsidian Acolyte SB: 3 [KLD] Fragmentize SB: 4 [] Light of Hope