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5456 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
UrzaTron IsKeiP529 Modern MTGO League 4 05/06/24
UrzaTron AlpInco Modern MTGO Challenge 64 2 04/06/24
UrzaTron kenon Modern MTGO League 1 04/06/24
Cloudpost Ramp Nakajima Takuhito Legacy 172nd KMC @ Hareruya tournament center (Osaka, Japan) 2 02/06/24
Cloudpost Ramp Kobara Shinji Legacy 172nd KMC @ Hareruya tournament center (Osaka, Japan) 3-4 02/06/24
Tron Max Baier Modern 20 years JK - Destination RCQ @ JK Entertainment (Maintal, Germany) 9-16 01/06/24
Mystic Forge Yamanashi Takeshi Legacy 86th All In Legacy Tournament (single elimination) @ Hareruya (Shizuoka, Japan) 5-8 01/06/24
Mississipi River Matheus Fernandes Legacy Alpha Legacy 119 @ Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 8 01/06/24
UrzaTron Tanaka Yousuke Modern Rumble @ Hareruya (Kawasaki, Japan) 3-4 01/06/24
UrzaTron Kato Shuhei Modern Rumble @ Hareruya (Kawasaki, Japan) 5-8 01/06/24
Azusa, Lost But Seeking Gaëtan Delorme Duel Commander DC des Licornes @ Le Conseil Des Licornes (Bourges, France) 3-4 31/05/24
Azusa Jeremy Reigneux Duel Commander DC @ Lyon (France) 3-4 25/05/24
Azusa, Lost But Seeking Vincent Joly Duel Commander La taverne des enchanteurs @ Puyricard (France) 3-4 25/05/24
Zhulodok, Void Gorger Connor Miller cEDH PNW CEDH Regional Qualifier @ Gabi's Olympic Cards & Comics (Lacey, WA) 17-32 25/05/24
Mystic Forge Hagiwara Takeshi Legacy 171th KMC @ Hareruya tournament center (Osaka, Japan) 5-8 19/05/24
Green Ramp Sam G Pioneer RCQ @ Spellhold Games 1 19/05/24
Eldra Tron Nakatsuka Toshiki Modern MMM @ Hareruya tournament center (Osaka, Japan) 5-8 18/05/24
G-post Mark Junior Legacy Terceiro Legacy de Maio @ Bragança Paulista (Brazil) 2 18/05/24
UrzaTron narca Modern MTGO Preliminary 3 17/05/24
UrzaTron OfFrost9 Modern MTGO Challenge 32 10 14/05/24
Eldrazi Post Philip Dumas Legacy Weekly @ BB-Spiele (Rosenheim, Germany) 2 14/05/24
Green Ramp sgcyrus Pioneer MTGO League 8 13/05/24
Mono G Tron Marco Di Grazia Modern Monsters League #8 @ Dungeon Street (Pisa, Italy) 9-16 12/05/24
UrzaTron yPrincipe Modern MTGO Challenge 64 12 12/05/24
Azusa, Lost But Seeking Lény Lopez Duel Commander Open @ Joute et Jeux (Grenoble, France) 5-8 12/05/24
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