netdecking with the stars
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935 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
UB Mill sabboth Modern MTGO League 6 02/01/24
UrzaTron WeTakeThose2023 Modern MTGO Preliminary 5 26/04/23
UrzaTron Diotima Modern MTGO League 2 06/05/22
UR Storm Artyom76 Modern MTGO Modern League 3 11/02/22
4c Creativity Parrotlet Modern MTGO Modern Preliminary 4 02/09/21
Esper Control Martin Hildawa Modern TD Discord League S7 @ Top Deck Games and Hobbies (Philippines) 3-4 11/07/21
UR Storm Artyom76 Modern MTGO Modern League 7 09/03/21
Jeskai Control Hamasaki Kazuhisa Modern Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 24/08/20
Blue Moon Andrea Borghi Modern WPNQ @ Playtime Merate (Desio, Italy) 5-8 26/01/20
Uw Control Fabio Righini Modern European Modern Qualifier @ Magictime (Ravenna, Italy) 5-8 14/07/19
Living End Electric Boogaloo 2 Matteo Turris Modern Mkm Trial Frankfurt + EMCQ @ Darkside Comics & Games 3-4 23/06/19
Uw Control Mathias Poßegger Modern Monthly Event June @ XiXa Games (Salzburg) 1 15/06/19
Azorius Control Simon Tubello Modern FTF Team Trios 1K - Modern @ Face to Face Games (Toronto) 1 26/05/19
Uw Control David Joachim Modern Traderliga @ Dülmen 5 26/05/19
Jeskai Through the Breach Josh Anderson Modern SCG IQ @ Eau Claire 7 19/05/19
UB Mill Nate Jones Modern Star City Games IQ @ Elkhart 5-8 19/05/19
Uw Control Felipe Augusto Leal Modern 5º Mhysteria Team Unif. Modern @ Magic Store Brasil 3 18/05/19
Jeskai Control Thomas Kuntz Modern MagicTT - Modern @ Dooz (Strasbourg, France) 4 12/05/19
Jeskai Control Thomas Kuntz Modern Modern MagicTT @ Strasbourg 4 12/05/19
Esper Control Matteo Scataglini Modern Ovinospring Main Modern @ Piacenza (Italy) 3-4 12/05/19
Uw Midrange Anaël Yahi Modern Modern League #5 @ MTG [FR] Discord 2 05/05/19
UW Control Robert Seder Modern SCG Modern IQ Newark 3-4 05/05/19
UW Control Caupolicon Lopez Yapor Modern SCG Modern IQ Newark 3-4 05/05/19
UW Control Robert Seder Modern Star City Games Invitational Qualifier @ Newington 5-8 05/05/19
Izzet Thing Marco B. Modern Turnier @ Mainz Ebersheim 5-8 05/05/19
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