netdecking with the stars
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6716 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Paradoxical Outcome Peppembr Vintage MTGO League 2 06/06/24
Paradoxical Outcome dannyground Vintage MTGO League 5 04/06/24
Golos MUD V4nquish Vintage MTGO League 2 03/06/24
Deadly Dispute Value brianpk80 Vintage MTGO League 3 03/06/24
Paradoxical Outcome _J0SE_ Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 2 02/06/24
Deadly Dispute Value brianpk80 Vintage MTGO League 1 02/06/24
Talion, the Kindly Lord Allan Chong Wan Loon cEDH cEDH @ Secret Base (Sha Alam, Malaysia) 1 01/06/24
Talion, the Kindly Lord Aaron Leong cEDH cEDH @ Secret Base (Sha Alam, Malaysia) 2 01/06/24
Sisay, Weatherlight Captain Darren Wong cEDH cEDH @ Secret Base (Sha Alam, Malaysia) 3-4 01/06/24
Kraum + Tymna Arif Ashraf Saari cEDH cEDH @ Secret Base (Sha Alam, Malaysia) 3-4 01/06/24
Francisco, Fowl Marauder + Malcolm Chang Tze How cEDH cEDH @ Secret Base (Sha Alam, Malaysia) 5-8 01/06/24
Kraum + Tymna Tan Su Teck cEDH cEDH @ Secret Base (Sha Alam, Malaysia) 5-8 01/06/24
Dargo + Tymna Suicidalfbiguy cEDH cEDH @ Secret Base (Sha Alam, Malaysia) 5-8 01/06/24
Dihada, Binder of Wills Edmund Tai cEDH cEDH @ Secret Base (Sha Alam, Malaysia) 5-8 01/06/24
Ingot Chewer + Thrasios + Dargo Ryan Halloran cEDH Justice cEDH Tournament! 1 01/06/24
The Gitrog Monster Frank Santos Iv cEDH Justice cEDH Tournament! 2 01/06/24
Sisay, Weatherlight Captain Duncan Dietz cEDH Justice cEDH Tournament! 3-4 01/06/24
Kraum + Tymna Erik Devito cEDH Justice cEDH Tournament! 3-4 01/06/24
Roxanne, Starfall Savant Cleo Gray cEDH Justice cEDH Tournament! 5-8 01/06/24
Tana + Malcolm Noah Jovin cEDH Justice cEDH Tournament! 5-8 01/06/24
Kraum + Tymna Ben Munroe cEDH Justice cEDH Tournament! 9-16 01/06/24
Silas Renn + Rograkh Steven Jack cEDH Justice cEDH Tournament! 9-16 01/06/24
Bruse Tarl + Thrasios Austin Chaput cEDH Justice cEDH Tournament! 9-16 01/06/24
K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth Anthony Snyder cEDH Justice cEDH Tournament! 9-16 01/06/24
Rograkh + Thrasios Tim Taranto cEDH Justice cEDH Tournament! 9-16 01/06/24
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