netdecking with the stars
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393 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
The One Ring Esper Dinamita Modern CMC M12 Cup 3-4 29/05/24
Cascade Crash Seo Noboru Modern Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 22/04/24
The One Grixis Mathew Stein Modern Regional Championship @ F2F Tour (Ottawa, Canada) 33-64 10/02/24
UB Mill Jerome Bous Modern Classic Qualifier @ Legacy European Tour (Ghent, Belgium) 17-32 28/01/24
Grixis Control Tim Köhler Modern Pyramiden-Cup @ Karlsruhe (Germany) 6 20/01/24
The One Sultai Jeongwoo Cho Modern Champions Cup Store Qualifier @ Kindle (South Korea) 5-8 23/12/23
Grixis Control Florian Trotte Modern Grand Open Qualifier - Legacy European Tour @ Barcelona 33-64 09/12/23
Grixis Control Tim Köhler Modern Eternal Weekend Europe - Main Event @ J.K. Entertainment GmbH (Praha, Czech Republic) 33-64 19/11/23
Esper Control Saito Takaya Modern Champions Cup Premium Qualifier @ @ Comical Takasaki (Takasaki, Japan) 3-4 05/11/23
Esper Control The Nameless One Modern Champions Cup Store Premium Qualifier @ Komikaru (Isesaki , Japan) 5-8 04/11/23
Grixis Control 2by4Bridges Modern MTGO League 8 20/10/23
Grixis Control Xenowan Modern MTGO Preliminary 1 17/10/23
Grixis Control Trotte Florian Modern WPN qualifier Ghent @ Rolegames 1 08/10/23
Grixis Control Florian Trotte Modern LMS Ghent @ Magicfrag (Aubagne, France) 2 24/09/23
Esper Blade Creyson Buckman Modern LTR Store Championship @ Mox Boarding House (Portland, OR) 3-4 13/08/23
Grixis Midrange YungDingo Modern MTGO Preliminary 6 22/05/23
Esper Control DynaMagic Modern MTGO League 1 19/05/23
Grixis Control Manuel Schiele Modern Eternal Series: Modern #23 @ Aalen (Germany) 4 13/05/23
Grixis Aggro DanieleMS Modern MTGO League 4 25/04/23
Sultai Reclamation Michael Schlegel Modern Grand Open Qualifier Prague @ Legacy European Tour 17-32 01/04/23
UB Mill Ichiwaki Fumihiro Modern Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 20/03/23
UB Mill Selami Modern MTGO League 1 30/12/22
Reanimator Christopher Walsh Modern $5K RCQ @ SCG CON Philadelphia 9-16 13/11/22
Dimir Mill Carmelo Ubay Modern SEA Championship Qualifier @ Grey Ogre Games (Singapour) 3-4 23/10/22
Esper Control Julien Drouard Modern RCQ @ Le Vizz (Rouen, France) 1 11/09/22
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