// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Reanimator // CREATOR : Ivn_Balaguer_Santonja // FORMAT : Legacy 1 [RAV] Blazing Archon 1 [ZEN] Iona, Shield of Emeria 2 [JU] Hapless Researcher 2 [ARB] Sphinx of the Steel Wind 4 [NPH] Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur 1 [MM] Misdirection 2 [IA] Brainstorm 3 [NE] Daze 4 [OD] Entomb 4 [AL] Force of Will 4 [NPH] Mental Misstep 4 [OD] Careful Study 4 [US] Exhume 4 [TE] Reanimate 4 [A] Animate Dead 2 [A] Island 3 [A] Swamp 3 [A] Underground Sea 4 [ON] Polluted Delta 4 [ZEN] Verdant Catacombs SB: 1 [MM] Misdirection SB: 1 [NPH] Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite SB: 1 [SOM] Platinum Emperion SB: 1 [WWK] Terastodon SB: 2 [WWK] Dispel SB: 3 [DS] Echoing Truth SB: 3 [SOK] Pithing Needle SB: 3 [WL] Null Rod