netdecking with the stars
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24 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Boros Convoke Willy Edel Standard Pro Tour Thunder Junction @ Seattle 32 26/04/24
Rakdos Midrange Willy Edel Pioneer Pro Tour Murders at Karlov Manor @ Chicago 129-256 23/02/24
4/5C Control Willy Edel Standard Magic World Championship XXIX @ Las Vegas 2023 5-8 22/09/23
Rakdos Aggro Willy Edel Modern Pro Tour The Lord of The Rings @ Barcelona 32 28/07/23
Rakdos Control Willy Edel Standard Pro Tour March of the Machine 33-64 05/05/23
Mono Green Aggro Willy Edel Historic SCG Tour Online - Satellite #3 @ Star City Games 5-8 21/11/20
Simic Umori Aggro Willy Edel Standard The Arena Open Day 1 – 7 Win 1 30/05/20
Mono Black Control Willy Edel Standard Pro Tour Dominaria (Richmond) 01/06/18
Sultai Whip Willy Edel Standard Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir (Brussels) Other 12/04/15
Sultai Whip Willy Edel (Brazil) Standard 2014 World Magic Cup 8 07/12/14
Sultai Whip Willy Edel Standard 2014 World Championship - Day 2 6 03/12/14
Junk Willy Edel Modern 2014 World Championship - Day 1 2 02/12/14
Sultai Whip Willy Edel Standard Grand Prix Santiago 2014 5-8 02/11/14
Edel devote Golgari OBV Willy Edel Standard Pro Tour Theros (Dublin) Other 13/10/13
The Rock Willy Edel Modern Grand Prix Detroit 2013 8 15/09/13
Naya Willy Edel Standard 2013 World Championship 13 01/08/13
Naya Willy Edel Standard Grand Prix Guadalajara 2013 2 26/05/13
Jund Willy Edel Modern Grand Prix Toronto 2012 1 09/12/12
Jund Willy Edel Modern Pro Tour Return to Ravnica (Seattle) 5-8 21/10/12
RW Humans Willy Edel Block Pro Tour Avacyn Restored (Barcelona) Other 12/05/12
Green / Blue / Splash White Willy Edel Limited Pro Tour Geneva 2007 5-8 11/02/07
Boros Willy Edel Standard Worlds 2006 (Paris) Day 1 undefeated 03/12/06
Red / Green / Multisplash Willy Edel Limited Pro Tour Kobe 2006 2 22/10/06
Zoo Willy Edel (Raaala Pumba) Block Pro Tour Charleston 2006 (Team) 2 18/06/06
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